Category «Blog»

Crown Braid: Latest Coronet Hairstyle

crownet hairstyle

Do you have a beautiful maxi dress? Are you thinking which hairstyle will go with the long maxi dress? If so, then you should definitely try out crown braid hairstyle. It can be created by following various methods. The cute crown mesh braid consists of two kinds of braids. They are Fishtail and French. These …

Tips: How to Learn and Do Braiding for your Own Hair?

In recent times, braids are back into fashion, and most teens ensure to create an elegant look for parties and wedding functions. The trend started from celebrities, where they make sure to couple their long dress with an elegant coronet hairstyle. Here listing some tips on how to start practicing on your own. First use …

Popular Braid Coronet Hairstyles


  Coronet hairstyle is and cute. It is now becoming a fast trend in the midst of celebrities and non-celebrities. There are several braid hairstyles varying from classic French braids to side braids, and all these look awesome, and they are simple to do. Here listing some of the popular braid hairstyles, you can try …

Halo Braid: Coronet Hairstyle

Coronet Hairstyle

Do you want to set a trend for yourself? Celebrities are renowned as they are the major trend setters. You can easily follow their hairstyle to keep yourself latest in trend. Nowadays, each celebrity has their own style and ensures to do a unique hairstyle whenever they appear in the media or crowd. One of …

Rustic Coronet Braid: Latest Wedding Hairstyle

  Hair braiding is simply an art. You can tie your hair as you wish and make it either a ponytail or just keep it down. Hair braiding is one of the popular hairstyles mostly preferred for wedding occasions. Most of the brides ensure to use the right flower crowns and accessories to make their …