Do you have a beautiful maxi dress? Are you thinking which hairstyle will go with the long maxi dress? If so, then you should definitely try out crown braid hairstyle. It can be created by following various methods. The cute crown mesh braid consists of two kinds of braids. They are Fishtail and French. These braids help to create a relaxed and earthly braided hairdo. Though it may sound complicated, when you start to do it is quite simple and quick.
You can use beautiful crown according to the color of your dress so that it will go well on the whole. A dry shampoo should be used a day before doing this hairdo. Gently comb your hair and part it into two. You need to do one portion of hair with French braid and another portion with fishtail braid.
Once you finish this neatly, you have to pull the ends of both sides and tie using an elastic band. Repeat the same if you have made extra braids. It has to be pinned close together so that it will look neat from outside. If you have any decorative ornaments, you can use it to hide the end. On the whole, the braid should appear like a crown. After completing, use a hairspray that helps to keep your hairdo neat for a long time.
Read Also: Tips: How to Learn and Do Braiding for your Own Hair?